Training My Own Guide Dog

Training Myself with Sagan, Learning new things

Sagan is almost 2 and a half years old which blows my mind! So many experiences and life rearrangements have been required over these last years. I wonder who I might be now if I had not committed to loving and training him. He has literally brought me to my knees and then curled up in the crook of my knees as I cried for my sister. He keeps me getting up in the morning and walking out in the world when I have wanted to stay safe in my bed. His cuteness keeps me playing even though I want to be left alone. I truly believe that committing to nurturing and teaching Sagan to be a good citizen has helped me grow in ways I did not anticipate.

The picture above shows Sagan waiting patiently in his open cage while he waits for a treat.

There has been more inconsistency in training due to my needing to hibernate. Everyone keeps telling me to be gentle on myself because I am grieving, but I am beginning to think being gentle on myself is turning into an excuse to do nothing at all. Some days require me to do nothing and I am okay with that. I have decided now that the time has come to push my edges once again. I have been exercising my own body more so that I can handle Sagan. Traffic training has begun and today we go to the mall, of all places, to work on targeting doors and counters. It is super hot outside so off to the mall we go. I think that is about the only thing malls are good for. I will let you know how we do next post.

The picture above shows Sagan sitting on his outdoor bed on the patio.

One more training note: I decided to call an owner trainer person I respect to get some advice on his pace and pull which is still an issue for us. Sometimes his pace and pull are perfect but I am wanting consistency. I have been using the command “steady” to slow him down and when the terrain is uncertain. My friend said in no uncertain terms that I have been confusing him. I realized immediately that she was correct. We talked about creating a new command for slowing his pace and keeping “steady” for when the terrain is rough. I am now teaching him the command “easy” to demand that he walk slower until I say otherwise. I need to perfect my technique before he will know what I am asking of him. I am not as smart as he is so I will practice a lot before I try it on him. I will keep you posted.  

The picture above shows Mel and Sagan outside on the patio. Sagan is sitting between Mel's legs. The command used here is "close". 

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