Training My Own Guide Dog

Training Myself With Sagan

Sagan has become a real guide dog now. His pace and pull are quite good and he is becoming more sensitive to overheads and uneven paths. He can find doors, seats, elevators, and he learns quickly what is needed. He takes his job very seriously. I have still not managed to get him to believe that the harness is fun but once it is on, he does his work well. Traffic training has still not formally been done because of weather etc. I hope to start again next week. Now it is time to train myself.

The three pictures above show Mel walking with Sagan on the sidewalks and crossing the street.  

Some of you have followed BlindAlive/Me for many years back when I wrote blogs every week for my audio fitness programs. It seems like forever ago. A whole lot of life has happened since then and my enthusiasms have changed. Some changes like becoming a plant eater only and becoming passionately devoted to educating people as to the real dangers of using pesticides are changes I feel good about. On the other hand, there are changes that need to be made in order for me to be my best self or at least easier in my own skin. Sagan has made it very clear that it is time to put more energy into training myself so that the two of us can really be a team. I want to be able to confidently go out and about independently again. I have not done that in years. The excuses are endless and I am boring myself with them. It is time to resurrect my BlindAlive programs and actually do them like I used to do when I felt good about my body. I want to feel strong again and unafraid. I want to be as healthy as I possibly can until I die. Just “talking” about getting stronger isn’t working, so training myself has begun, no excuses anymore. If you want to join me, the link to my YouTube channel is below. All the workouts are there. I will start with Cardio One and Sculpting With Weights One. I have also committed to walk with Sagan every day possible.  

YouTube link:

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